World Photography Day 2012

A quick post today, just a little something that I wanted you to know about. August 19, 2012 is World Photography Day. It’s not a holiday (yet)… just a day for photographers to get together and document their respective worlds. It’s a humble idea that’s gotten to be pretty big; it launched in 2009, and it’s mushroomed to involve photographers from 150 countries in the few years since.

Their mission is a simple one: Our mission is to unite photographers across the globe to remember the history of photography, celebrate the present and discover the future.

So, in that spirit, get out with your camera on August 19 and celebrate!

The World Photography Day website:

On Facebook:!/worldphotoday

On Twitter:

2 Replies to “World Photography Day 2012”

  1. Hi Paul,

    Thanks for the blog post, just thought I’d let you know the new site is now up and running, and we’ll be turning on the gallery again on the 19th ready for uploads to celebrate with the community.


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