User Survey

I’m doing something a little different today. We’re a month into our second year here at The First 10,000, and I’m going to ask for your help. I’d like to make sure that what I’m posting here is helpful and relevant to you (whoever you may be). I thought about putting up a survey with a handful of check boxes, but the problem with that is that I may not think to ask what you’re looking to answer. So let me know, either via the comment section below or via the Contact page:

Have you found the blog readable and easy to understand?

Are there topics that you’d like to see covered more often?

For that matter, is there anything you feel I might be covering too much at the expense of something you’d find more useful?

Any general comments or suggestions?

And, finally, the bottom line question: my purpose is to help you become the kind of photographer you’d like to be. How can I help you get there?

Thanks for the help!

3 Replies to “User Survey”

  1. Although I haven’t had as much time as I’d hoped to get out and shoot the past 4 days, I love this project because at least I am spending a lot more time focusing on shooting, thinking about each challenge and being mindful, even moreso once I get ready to shoot. I’m more aware of everything around me and open to anything. So this is an awesome direction you have taken in my opinion because of all the benefits-it’s challenging.
    I appreciate the inspiration and the motivation of the project. In addition, the articles in your blog pertaining to those elements outside of the camera that make me dig deeper are the ones I enjoy and provide those light bulb moments for me. Is it possible in the future to cover telling a story and then follow it up with an assignment for our group?
    One thing-I guess our love of being behind the camera makes us a bit more voyeuristic, observant by nature. We hang back and watch. Rather than join in the fray, we’re on the sidelines shooting it. But we’ve all joined this fun group and we’re in this together. Going forward I hope that everyone becomes more engaged, connected and responsive. Paul has put a ton of work into everything he writes and I know I’m not the only one who appreciates it.
    No response from Paul required. I want to know your readers thoughts!

  2. Have you found the blog readable and easy to understand?

    Are there topics that you’d like to see covered more often?
    Naah, keep surprising us. I don’t know what I may or may not like, so bring it on!

    For that matter, is there anything you feel I might be covering too much at the expense of something you’d find more useful?
    See answer above: bring it, surprise us, keep us on our toes.

    Any general comments or suggestions?
    Great job at picking pertinent topics and keeping it simple.

    And, finally, the bottom line question: my purpose is to help you become the kind of photographer you’d like to be. How can I help you get there?
    Just keep up your great work. It’s always very helpful to see somebody else’s angle and hear their thoughts.

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