The weekly fishwrap. As usual, links go to the full articles.
Fond remembrances of the late photographer and documentarian Jerome Liebling by the New York Times’ James Estrin and the Boston Globe’s Mark Feeney.
Panasonic’s upcoming GH3 to support new AVHCD 2.0 codec? Old and new versions of Micro 4/3 14-42mm lenses tested head to head (4/3 Rumors)
Canon expected to make a series of new product announcements soon after the upcoming Nikon announcement. Canon generally announces early in the week, so if the August 23-24 timeline is correct for Nikon, a Canon announcement around the 29th would not be out of the question. Same article speculates that the 1Ds Mark IV will have a 36 megapixel sensor. (Canon Rumors)
Kodak attempts “poison pill” to fend off potential hostile takeover. (Democrat and Chronicle; hat tip to PetaPixel)
Ricoh’s GXR camera system gets a Leica M-mount module (dpreview)
Thom Hogan alternates between perceptive writing on the craft of photography, and reviews of gear that are actually useful (not something to take for granted). He’s in gear mode this week, having not only written reviews for a series of compact cameras (Fuji’s X100, the Samsung TL500, Sony’s HX9V) but also thrown fuel on the Nikon Mirrorless fire. As there are several articles of interest, the backlink goes to his homepage; from there, browse to your heart’s content.
Leica starts shipping Summilux-C cinema lenses; a set of eight will set you back a mere $178,000. Leica Camera AG issues a statement in the wake of a rash of customer issues with SD cards in the M9, saying that “a very limited number” of customers have come forward with issues. Call me a silly bastard, but if your camera can’t save the images it captures, $7,000 is a bit much to spend for a paperweight. (Leica Rumors)
Early test images from the new Samsung 60mm 2.8 Macro lens are coming out at a slow drip. What’s out so far looks pretty impressive. (Mirrorless Rumors)
With the Nikon D700 out of stock at all the larger online retailers, speculation is growing that the August 24 Nikon announcement will include D700 and D3s replacements. Furthermore, cryptic tweets have come from big shots Andy Rouse, Chase Jarvis and Joe McNally that hint that there are other Nikon-related things afoot… My take: I’m sure that each of them have signed ironclad NDA’s, so anything that comes out in advance of an official announcement probably ain’t coming from them. (Nikon Rumors)
Japanese electronics manufacturer Pioneer to manufacture cameras in Brazil for the Chinese market. Confused yet? (PetaPixel)
New York photographer Phil Datz arrested for videotaping the police — legally. (Poynter.org)
Might Sony be trying to steal some of Nikon’s thunder? On August 24 (the same date as Nikon’s upcoming announcement), they’re said to be announcing new bodies, A (SLR) and E (NEX) mount lenses, and accessories. As the date gets closer, not only are specs beginning to firm up, but also photos of the gear in question… speaking of which, I have to take back what I said about the earlier NEX-7 pictures looking ‘shopped. Looks like they were, in fact, the real deal. Several posts this week, so the link to the right will go to the Sony Alpha Rumors homepage; browse from there. (Sony Alpha Rumors)